Friday, 13 July 2007


there's nothing like wearing spandex in front of people you don't know to make you feel good about yourself.
i know.
so, i've been going to physical therapy for my knees the last month. it's been really great, i can actually tell already-they don't hurt as bad :) so, they told me about a research study that duke was doing on knees, and how to better focus their exercises. they wanted regular knee people and hurting people (me) too. so i went to this lab, and they put me in a SPANDEX shorts and SPANDEX shirt with all of these electrodes on me, so that they could follow my muscle movement. pretty cool. EXCEPT that there was an inch or so gap between the shorts and the top, where my little belly found it's way out. eek. AND everyone in physical therapy basically has to be in shape, so that was awesome. and there were boy athletes around, too. eek!
it was neat, though, to see the results..apparently my knees hurt so much becuase certain muscle groups are really weak, and they default to other muscles to do their work, so my knees don't hurt. hmm. so now i have to force these guys to get stronger and vouila! i'm better.
so another funny story. when me and aaron joined our gym in march, it comes with 2 free personal training sessions. i never got around to doing them, but since i'm trying to whip my butt into shape, i thought i'd give it a go.
my trainer has a MUSTACHE. a MUSTACHE that moves when he talks.
so i kept laughing while i'm doing everything because:
1. i'm really (embarassingly) weaker than i thought
2. it's not fun to have your face shake in front of someone you don't know.
3. his mustache would move when he talks.
so yes. i'm basically a big wenie. but maybe robert can whip me into shape. if i go back.
rob: "next time, i'll work you much harder. you'll be really tired, then!"
whit: "oh, hmm. see you then."
rob: "come prepared to work!"
whit: (waving, with half-smile) "ok. see you."

so what i don't understand about personal trainers, is that the whole point is to get you TONED or whatever...but you can't get toned if you don't go back, right? why in the heck would i want to go back to something that isn't fun at all?!? i would do like 15 somethings..and then he would say "great! now we're adding 15 pounds for the next set!" i'm like "next set??!" followed by the face shaking and laughing. i'm a GIRL! you're not supposed to add 15 pounds to anything! gosh. i could barely use my pen tonight at work. i really am a pansy :)
in other news, i'm getting my hair cut/colored next week by a profeSSIOnal. a professional STUdenT, but still. i'm hoping that the color lasts longer than when i do it, being professional and all. yea for haircuts!
me and aaron's anniversario is soon. almost 2 years! that's a lONG time. it feels like we're official married folk. like people will stop going "oh! newlyweds!" whever they ask how long we've been together. my mom sent us an email the other day saying "well, i guess you really will make it! HA!" that's why i love my mom.
i hope everyone has wonderful fridays!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love that mustached puppet and I love your blog updates. I wrote you a MySpace message today, and it didn't send it! I don't know what happened. I'll have to write you another this week and try to remember everything I said in the first one.

I hope you have a MAHVELOUS week, pretty Whitney-friend!